It’s so special how Gabby’s school
Sacred Heart Girls' College - New Plymouth continue to support Gabby’s legacy and remember her.

The girls had a Barbier feast day recently and as part of it they made beautiful flower pots for us to gift to the Children’s wars to brighten up the patient’s room starlit

I think grief can be accompanied by people not knowing what to do or say cause it is hard as you don’t want the griever to feel more upset. But what I have learnt thru losing precious Gabby

is that I treasure so much people mentioning her name and talking about her. Gabby’s year at Sacred Heart College have left school now but the school still carrys on Gabby’s legacy and acknowledging her is the most beautiful gift you could give us as grieving parents. Thank you Sacred Heart College for ‘saying Gabby’s name’ and acknowledging our Angel. It means the world to us.